As you will know if you have looked at our site we have a testimonial page,so now and again we get them from people who have a Wreaywire Lakeland.We have received another from a lovely family who got Saffy(Wreaywire Dairymaid)...Here it goes..."We decided on a Lakeland to brighten up our lives and lucky for us Lee and Michelle's "Molly" had just had a litter,Angy rang and she was so impressed how Lee was so friendly and enthused about Lakies.He was so knowledgeable on how he speaks about them,that we decided that we had to get a a puppy from them.We went to see the litter and it was lovely to see them in the house like part of the "Family".Everything seemed like fate,the puppy Lee had set aside for us went directly to Angy and sat on her feet.Lee kept in touch with us by phone on how Saffy was getting on which was a reaaly nice touch,that really put our mind at rest that we were getting a well reared pup from a breeder who was passionate about the breed.Saffy came home with us 3 weeks later and she is a a joy to have,it is difficult taking her fo a walk as we get stopped so many times from people saying how cute she is,asking where we got her from and if she is going to be a show dog.THANK YOU to both of them for such a lovely dog.We still keep in touch with Lee and Michelle and would highly recommend them to anyone who would like to have a Lakeland Terrier raised with sich passion and expertise.